Jitendra Indave is a young Entrepreneur running a number of sites from his living room. He is a certified programmer, Computer Instructor and an addicted Web Developer.

He has started journey of blogging in October 2009 just for fun and to learn something new. Up to 2011, He was not much involved and dedicated to blogging platform. But now, since Jan 2012, He have been exploring and learning this field with great joy and passion. Since last few months he has been learning SEO using Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics and some other tools.
Why he has selected blog name as "Enigmazone”?
“Actually when I decided to buy new domain for my blog, I wanted computer technology related name for it. After long thinking I got this, because all other tech related domains were already registered and I found suitable for my blog. The word “Enigma” is related to cipher text which was used for the encryption and decryption of secret messages during World War. It is computer tech related word.”
He says in his own words:

Few Words From Jitendra Indave:

Jitendra Indave
Jitendra Indave