Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Top 5 Free Classified Websites In India
By Jitendra Indave in: Free On Tuesday, October 09, 2012
This is one of the most famous and oldest website in Indian subcontinental where you can find classified ads for properties, car, home loan, travel, lifestyle, movies etc. If you have any queries or doubt the same can be posted on their blog. For more discussion you can join the forum. This website also provides facility of “Yellow Pages”. It is well appreciated portal for B2B.
On this website user can sell their products to city wise. Regarding products many communities are available on this website. By joining it, user can get all the detail about location or product. If you want to look for part time job in your local area, this could be a great path to find it, not only jobs but also local events in your area. This website provides services for more than 40 cities all over the India .
This one is my favorite. The website has reached the top in a short time period. You might have seen ads on television about it. Here, you can post an ad in an attractive way. Olx provides service in more than 96 countries. It is available in 40 languages. You can guess, how giant the Olx is.
This is the only website which is available in six regional languages. You can post ads here in Hindi, English, Kannad, Malyalam, Telugu, Tamil etc. Just one time registration is required. The web site provides service in more than 200 cities. User can get solution of his queries and doubts through live chat.
This website provides services for more than 35 cities in India . The user can post free classified ad in the categories like Auto & Vehicles, Community, Education & Learning, Electronics & Appliances, Food & Dining, Health & Recreation, Heavy Equipments, Home & Lifestyle, Jobs, Pets & Pet Care, Property & Rentals, Services,Travel etc.
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Mr. Jitendra Indave is the founder of Enigmazone .He is IT instructor and freelance web designer from Surat (Gujarat-India). He is tech enthusiast person. Contact Him Here
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