A) Go to the official Aadhar weblink https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/web/guest/update
B) Enter your existing Aadhar number as well captcha text which asked to enter below it.
C) You will receive one time password (OTP)
D) on the next screen, select the option you want to update.You can choose multiple options too.Those field will be updated not only in English but also in local language too.
E) Review the entered data for final submission.
F) Click to submit. After clicking on submit button Update Request Number (URN) will be generated. Note down the same reference number for future communication on this update issue.
User should keep in mind that if you are going to update date of birth , which is verified, can be changed only once here. For whichever field you are asking for update the relevant document should be submitted otherwise it will not be processed. For each kind of update what kind of proof of documents are required are given below.

You can submit your request by post too. For that
Step By Step
A) Go to https://resident.uidai.net.in/
B) Click on ‘Update Data’
C) Just in middle column , click to ‘Download Form’
D) Fill up the form and send it to the any one address of given below.
UIDAI, Post Box No. 10, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh - 480001, India
UIDAI, Post Box No. 99, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034, India
In this process you, need to attach proof of all required documents.
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